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Home Milk Delivery


When you're out shopping and trying to avoid dairy, it takes a little bit of detective work to avoid hidden dairy in foods. In fact, dairy has SO MANY names, that it's often surprising to see where it crops up. Below is a comprehensive list that should help you on your next shopping trip. 

  • Milk — acidophilus milk, buttermilk, buttermilk blend, buttermilk solids, cultured milk, condensed milk, dried milk, dry milk solids (DMS), evaporated milk, fat‐free milk, fully cream milk powder, goat’s milk, Lactaid® milk, lactose free milk, low fat milk, malted milk, milk derivative, milk powder, milk protein, milk solids, milk solid pastes, nonfat dry milk, nonfat milk, nonfat milk solids, pasteurized milk, powdered milk, sheep’s milk, skim milk, skim milk powder, sour milk, sour milk solids, sweet cream buttermilk powder, sweetened condensed milk, sweetened condensed skim milk, whole milk, 1% milk, 2% milk

  • Butter — artificial butter, artificial butter flavor, butter, butter extract, butter fat, butter flavored oil, butter solids, dairy butter, natural butter, natural butter flavor, whipped butter

  • Casein & caseinates — ammonium caseinate, calcium caseinate, hydrolyzed casein, iron caseinate magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, sodium caseinate, zinc caseinate

  • Cheese — cheese (all types), cheese flavor (artificial and natural), cheese food, cottage cheese, cream cheese, imitation cheese, vegetarian cheeses with casein

  • Cream, whipped cream

  • Curds

  • Custard

  • Dairy product solids

  • Galactose

  • Ghee

  • Half & Half

  • Hydrolysates — casein hydrolysate, milk protein hydrolysate, protein hydrolysate, whey hydrolysate, whey protein hydrolysate Ice cream, ice milk, sherbet

  • Lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate

  • Lactate solids

  • Lactyc yeast

  • Lactitol monohydrate

  • Lactoglobulin

  • Lactose

  • Lactulose Milk fat, anhydrous milk fat Nisin preparation

  • Nougat

  • Pudding

  • Quark

  • Recaldent

  • Rennet, rennet casein

  • Simplesse® (fat replacer)

  • Sour cream, sour cream solids, imitation sour cream

  • Whey — acid whey, cured whey, delactosed whey, demineralized whey, hydrolyzed whey, powdered whey, reduced mineral whey, sweet dairy whey, whey, whey protein, whey protein concentrate, whey powder, whey solids

  • Yogurt (regular or frozen), yogurt powder may contain milk

  • Natural flavoring

  • Flavoring Caramel flavoring

  • High protein flour

  • Lactic acid (usually not a problem)

  • Lactic acid starter culture

  • “Non-dairy” products may contain casein

  • Rice cheese (check with manufacturer)

  • Soy cheese (check with manufacturer)

Food Labels 101: Hidden Dairy: About
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